Help! I Can't Thread My Floss! 🪡

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Today's Abide Guide is all about needle threaders! I tried out the four most popular needle threaders out there so that you don't have to! 🪡
1. Hobby Lobby 
Score: 3/10
Pro: It got the floss through
Con: Everything else 😂 It was hard to fit through the eye of the needle, and it requires you to fold six strands of floss over into 12 in order to push it through the eye. It was also super clunky to hold!

2. Clover
Score: 4/10
Pro: The portion you bring back through the eye of the needle is much thinner, so it makes it easier to pull the floss through
Con: Still bulky and weird to hold. You also still have to thread through a hole… granted it’s a larger hole but it’s made out of thin metal which is hard to see.

3. Thread Magic 
Score: 7/10
Pros: Conditions your floss nicely and makes it pretty easy to thread your needle
Con: You really have to work the floss into the conditioner, which takes extra time (I’m impatient). Also, the way you are “suppose” to use it, with the lid on, doesn’t seem to get enough conditioner onto the thread itself. So you’re also getting your hands a little dirty

4. 👅 The good gift the Lord gave to you 😉
Score: 9/10
Pros: Almost always works and it’s only a lick away. Also, it’s free.
Con: If you don’t like 🦠…I guess this could be a problem 😅

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Jan Golias
Jan Golias

I’ve watched a few of your videos and they are great. I’m wondering if you have anything to help me purchase the correct needles. I’m looking at my collection of needles and most of them are #5, a package of 1-5 which seems to have a larger needle and I have a #24 which I’m hoping will work with 6 threads at one time. I noticed you mentioned in you sample video to use the #22 for 6 threads, thank you. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have when I’m at the store and see all these numbers. Thank you.

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